After Ed’s last mission to Bad Reichenhall and before he left Norwich,
England for home, he decided to plot the course of each mission. He had the
coordinates of each mission and was able to use them to establish each course. Ed
did not have a map for missions number 6 (Bielefeld), 11 (Hamburg), and 30 (Bad
Reichenhall). We used the course for mission 12 to Bielefeld for the sixth mission.
The course taken on the sixth mission was probably not the same. Mission courses
to the same target were always different . Missions 11 and 30 do not show any
course to or from the target but just identifies the target locations in relation to the
base in Norwich.The maps used by Ed are Army Air Force longitude and latitude maps which
also show elevations. In reviewing the maps and checking the target by using the
longitude and latitude numbers, Ed’s maps are extremely accurate. The reader can
verify the accuracy of the target location by utilizing a longitude and latitude map of
Europe and/or Germany.